White Bishop

Roughly equal in power to the Knight, the Bishop is capable of moving only diagonally across the board.
These leupak priests seem to revere a mysterious entity... who, or what, could it be?




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The White Bishop is the third adoptable in the 2011 Chess Collection, which will be available until the 20th of May to make up for the late release! The Black Rook will be released alongside it on the 5th of May, as pertaining to our regular schedule.

Белый Офицер - третий питомец из коллекции Шахматы 2011, который будет доступен до 20-го мая, дабы компенсировать запоздалый релиз. Черная Ладья будет выпущена 5-го мая, соответственно нашему расписанию.
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