С сегодняшнего дня поменялся дизайн колб лимиток из
Valenth EXTRA Collection (ссылка кликабельна).
Valdren Flarion и Lyric'ai Dreamscar теперь зовутся
Ancient Flarion и
Ancient Boralion,
Maiden переименовали в
Примеры новых колб с названиями (все доступны по тэгу
Valenth EXTRA Collection):
все новые колбы (не только Valenth EXTRA Collection) будут выходить с такими колбами. Только
2012 Starstone Collection будет выпущена в старом стиле.
Cлова ДеоSorry about the lack of an announcement, guys; Sixy and I were doing a bunch of Wiki update work yesterday, and we ended up deciding to adjust a few names; the old Lyri and Valdren are now Ancient Boralion and Flarion, respectively, so I can make new Extra collection sets for them soon.
Also, the Maiden has been renamed Opus and will have Extra collection status (along with a matching tank) shortly; it was always meant to be Opus, but we didn't have NPC adoptables yet then because reasons, so it's a retroactive fix.
I just, uh, somehow stumbled into designing new alpha tanks along the way somewhere. These things happen! 8D <...>
I apologize profusely to everyone who wants alphas now, too. xD
Really, this has been a long time coming-- I always knew Valenth should have specimen tanks for 'eggs', but they've never really felt Valenthian enough before.
I love how completely random whims lead to stuff like this. 8D;
But yeah, I'm working through updating the Extra Collection tanks, and after those are all done, all new releases will have these new alphas from now on.
The older adoptables that aren't Extra collection (or those two former Extras that were changed) will keep the same older tanks, as will the rest of the 2012 starstone collection.
After those are all out, the old design will be retired for good!
Just a few more of these to update, and then I'll be back working on the wiki!
Thanks so much for the feedback and love, guys! ©
The NPC adoptables all have the new alphas, and the adoptables we release from here out (save the rest of the 2012 Starstone Collection, for the sake of them all matching) will be using them, too. ©
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