- Severed Flarion Head - Tarnished Scale - Klauri Acorn Charm - Schiek Raptor Talisman |
- Voluxi Fur Wrap - Valdrens Scale - Valdrens Master Dreamshard - Vital Crystal |
- Ornamental Flarion Skull - Midwintre Robin - Valdrens Feather - Vitalium Arrow |
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Расположение: Альфа - Бета - Добрая - Нейтральная - Злая
Shell of Valdren
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This horrific beast was once the son of Kelan Flarion. Mutated by a combination of high mirajin and vitae exposure, this aggressive and massive dragon rages unchallenged through Aqk's Peak.
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Klauri are Scheik forest spirits, dedicated to the protection of their home forests. Strange things have been happening to them in the wake of the Renatus coup...
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Mailin Sprite
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Native to the dense woodland of Schalle, the diminutive Mailin sprites have been instrumental in leading the unexpected faerie strikes against the Renatus.
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Новых альтов старых зверей см. по ссылкам Bomby Sprite, Lepelle Sprite, Arctic Voluxi.