Есть три вещи, которые многие люди не умеют делать с достоинством - проигрывать, стареть и умирать. (с)
Лисичкииии *_______*
Пост правила Чиффа =3
А переправила Энчи =_=
Red Voluxi

A small predator commonly seen throughout Valenth, the voluxi is an adaptable creature that feeds on small animals and birds.
Альт №1
Альт №2
Silver Voluxi

A small predator commonly seen throughout Valenth, the voluxi is an adaptable creature that feeds on small animals and birds. Silver voluxi are highly sought after for their luxurious dark fur.
Альт №1
Альт №2
Golden Voluxi

A small predator commonly seen throughout Valenth, the voluxi is an adaptable creature that feeds on small animals and birds. Golden voluxi seem to have adapted particularly well to semi-arid environments.
Альт №1
Альт №2

A small predator commonly seen throughout Valenth, the voluxi is an adaptable creature that feeds on small animals and birds.
Альт №1
Альт №2
Silver Voluxi

A small predator commonly seen throughout Valenth, the voluxi is an adaptable creature that feeds on small animals and birds. Silver voluxi are highly sought after for their luxurious dark fur.
Альт №1
Альт №2
Golden Voluxi

A small predator commonly seen throughout Valenth, the voluxi is an adaptable creature that feeds on small animals and birds. Golden voluxi seem to have adapted particularly well to semi-arid environments.
Альт №1
Альт №2
Пост правила Чиффа =3
А переправила Энчи =_=
Да, её страничка
Проработки рисункам хронически не хватает.
добрая - нейтральная - злая
Silver Voluxi
добрая - нейтральная - злая
Golden Voluxi
добрая - нейтральная - злая
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